'Jels' begins tentatively, with the shuffling rhythm creatd from Roland drums steadily setting the tempo, whilst acid basslines gradually surge in the background, gaining prominence as the introduction wears on. After 1 minute 40 the vocal sample, which seems to wail “turn”, indicates the introduction of a first piano chord melody, one which is uplifting in sharp contrast to the to the rolling acid basslines and structured house rhythms which take hold after this short interval. The beat swells, forcing you to move. As the track progresses further layers are built, most notably the final melodies on which the track climaxes. Whilst the track’s well formed rhythm continues to flourish, a wonderful repetitive chord melody slowly arises and takes dominance from the bleak basslines. This melody is beautifully arranged, bringing a sense of bliss and delight to the track, contrasting the former basslines. Unashamed excellence.
'Wade In/Jels' will be released on 12" on the 14th March, with a digital release coming on the 21st. Both are once again necessities, with Joy O providing arguably his strongest work to date, although that is an argument which could be put forth for any of his 4 releases to date. You can listen to 'Jels' by following the link below.
Joy O - 'Jels'