Thursday 15 April 2010

Young Montana? Interview

(Photo By Adele M. Reed)

Yesterday I was lucky enough to get an interview with the brilliant Young Montana? thanks to the wonders of the Internet and social networking.

I have recently written on Montana, who was described by the first lady of electronic music, Mary Anne Hobbs, as her "favourite unsigned artist of 2010", something Montana firmly justified with the fantastic 20 minute mix he provided for her Radio 1 show. I really do believe that there are big things ahead for 19 year old Jon Pritchard, he is definitely one to look out for in the future. Just visit and listen to the tracks posted on his soundcloud and myspace pages (which can be accessed from the website above), I'm sure you'll soon start to understand what I mean.

Young Montana? has also kindly agreed to make his new great new track 'suchbeats' available for free downolad from here. This is most definitely worth downloading!

Let's move onto the interview...

(Photo By Adele M. Reed)


How did you get into music production?

"I've been playing in bands since I was a kid, whether it be drumming or whatever really. A few years ago I did a little workshop course on sound recording and technology, and basically how to record a band in the studio. That taught me to listen to music a lot different.Then last year, after playing synths in my band Delta Rush for about 3 years, I realised I had all the equipment necessary to start making my own music!"

How long have you been producing for now?

"Well that was early 2009 so I've been doing it for just about a year now! I never made a conscious decision to get into producing, but I suppose a few things in my life took their own course and I took mine."

Who would you say are your biggest musical influences?

"There's been so many different figures and aspects of music that have influenced me throughout my life. A lot of my knowledge of production has been from studying Radiohead albums such as Hail To The Thief, I love the craftwork of those albums - the subtleties and mindfulness of the productions have really left an imprint on my style.I think one influence that shows in my music is that of Chris Clark, as he embodies all the things I've said about Radiohead, and there's no electronic artist like him."

"It would probably be fair to give the Letherette guys a shout out too, I really hope they do big things this year."

How would you describe your music to those who haven't heard it?

"I'm a bit coy when it comes to this really, I'd probably just say it was Glitch-hop.. Then they'd be like, 'what?' and I'd be like.. 'what?' But really I think it's a lot more eclectic than that.. I would usually just say they should listen."

Do you DJ as well as produce? If so what sort of thing do you play in your sets?

"I have yeah, at the moment I haven't got the equipment to really give a live set justice, so I just kinda DJ it out. I play a wide range of underground styles, anything from Rustie or Mike Slott, to Santogold/Cookie Monsta Mashups. I also tend to play a lot of my favourite unsigned or unheard artists as well, so expect anything really!"

What music are you into at the minute? Are there any artists that you admire in particular at the moment?

"Well I'm a bit of a musical recluse to be honest, I rarely listen to any music. I've been distancing myself from it all recently so I can write more stuff, and so it's totally me. Just listening to a lot of cranky old records to turn inside out."

How did Mary Anne Hobbs get hold of your work? What was it like to hear her describe you as her "favourite unsigned artist of 2010"?

"Pure chance really, out of 900 tracks that had been sent to her on Soundcloud, she found mine! She replied by email saying she loved it and wanted to hear more, and it all went from there really. I guess you don't really realise who your talking to or the significance of what they're saying really is, but in retrospect I'm starting to see that being her 'favourite unsigned artist of 2010" is a pretty big deal, and not something that's said about everybody."

"That said, it's not worth letting anything go to your head, I'm just focusing on succeeding in making the music that I am happy with at the moment, and from there I can try proving the belief Mary Anne Hobbs has shown in me is right!"

What are your hopes for the rest of the year?

"I hope to really push my own sound, whilst finding comfort within it. To get a full length release up and running as soon as possible. Finally, I have a few plans for some big shows in the summer, and am really hoping it all comes together. I don't wanna be stuck at Coventry's Godiva Festival for another summer! That would be dark...

tthhaannkkss for having me, mmaayynngg!!!"

(Photo By Adele M. Reed)

I would like to say a big thank you to Jon Pritchard for the interview. Also thank you to Adele Mary Reed for providing the great photos as well. If you like the look of these photos, check out her website and also There is some really great work on these pages, I really like her spontaneous and unstaged style, so make sure you check her collection out for yourselves.

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