As far as collaborations go, this may well be one of the most exciting I've come across. Boddika (aka Alex Green) is making his mark as with his solo material, flourishing under the guidance of Non+ Plus and Swamp81 with driving drum machine arrangements and crippling acid synths, a sound purely his own. As for Peter O'Grady (aka Joy Orbison), everything the man touches turns to gold. An impeccable back catalogue is met with numerous unreleased killers, and his recent turn to house infused production has proved particularly promising, with tracks 'Wade In' and 'Ellipsis' further cementing his growing reputation as one of the best producer's around. Work between the two can only provide good results.
Aired on Oneman and Loefah's Rinse FM cover show on Wednesday, 'Swims' is the product of Boddika and Joy O's collaboration. It is instantly recognisable as a sound that the two have refined. A driving 4x4 beat is firmly set, with hi-hats tentatively rising after every second pounding beat. The rhythm is soon accompanied by a wonderful acid chord arrangement that acts as Boddika's signature, with a quick fire vocal typical of both artists' sound, falling neatly alongside the dynamic beat and energetic chords. The result is a simply excellent collaboration, clearly evincing elements of Boddika and Joy O's more recognisable sounds.
Rumours are that a release on Swamp81 is almost certain. Considering each artists' connections to the brilliant Brixton based label, I wouldn't argue against it. With any luck we shall be seeing this on 12" soon, carefully provided in another impecablly produced sleeve by Ashes57. Don't sleep.

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